Sunday 5 November 2023

How to Earn MILES and CASHBACK on Your Taxes, Insurance, and Other Non-Card Payments with CardUp


CardUp: The Secret Weapon to Earn Miles and Points on Everything 

Have you ever wished you could earn miles and points on all of your expenses, even those that you can't pay with a credit card? With CardUp, you can! CardUp is a platform that allows you to pay for virtually any bill with your credit card, even if the merchant doesn't accept credit cards directly. This means you can earn miles and points on your rent, insurance, taxes, and other large expenses. 

How does CardUp work? 

Using CardUp is simple. Just create an account and link your credit card. Then, you can start paying your bills by entering the merchant's name and account number. CardUp will then charge your credit card and pay the merchant on your behalf. 

CardUp charges a small processing fee, but it's typically much less than the value of the miles or points you'll earn. For example, if you're paying your rent with CardUp, you might earn 3,000 miles, which could be worth $60 or more. 

What kind of payments can I make with CardUp? 

You can use CardUp to pay for a wide variety of bills, including: 

  • Rent
  • Insurance 
  • Taxes 
  • Utilities 
  • Education fees 
  • Medical bills 
  • Home renovations 
  • Car repairs And much more! 

How to maximize your rewards 

To maximize your rewards, you'll want to use a credit card that offers a good rewards rate on your spending. For example, if you're paying your rent with CardUp, you might want to use a credit card that offers 3% cashback on all purchases. 

You can also look for credit cards that offer bonus rewards for specific types of spending. For example, some credit cards offer bonus miles on travel expenses or bonus points on dining expenses. 

Here are a few tips for using CardUp to earn miles and points on everything: 

Plan ahead. 

  • It takes a few days for CardUp to process payments, so be sure to plan ahead and pay your bills before the due date. 

Double-check the merchant's information. 

  • Before you submit a payment, be sure to double-check the merchant's name and account number. 

Use a credit card with a good rewards rate. 

  • To maximize your rewards, use a credit card that offers a good rewards rate on your spending. 

Here are a few examples of how you can use CardUp to earn miles and points on everything: 

Earn miles on your rent.

  • If you pay your rent with a credit card, you can earn miles that you can redeem for travel, merchandise, or other rewards. 

Earn points on your insurance. 

  • If you pay your insurance premiums with CardUp, you can earn points that you can redeem for statement credits, gift cards, or travel. 

Earn cashback on your taxes. 

  • If you pay your taxes with CardUp, you can earn cashback that you can deposit into your bank account or redeem for travel. 

Earn miles on your utilities. 

  • If you pay your utilities with CardUp, you can earn miles that you can redeem for travel, merchandise, or other rewards. 

Earn points on your education fees. 

  • If you pay your tuition or other education fees with CardUp, you can earn points that you can redeem for statement credits, gift cards, or travel. 

CardUp is a great way to earn miles and points on virtually any expense. It's easy to use and there are a variety of ways to maximize your rewards. If you're looking for a way to save money and earn rewards on your bills, be sure to check out CardUp.

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