Thursday 23 February 2017

Never Stop Learning

credit: pexels


How many of us have heard our parents say this to us when we were young? Or if you have kids of your own, are you guilty of passing on this message to your kids too? Do you know that according to the statistics given by Singstat for the year 2016, there are approximately 800,000 Singaporeans who are university graduates out of 2,800,000 of ages above 25. That means for every 10 people whom you meet above the age of 25, 3 of them would most likely be university graduates. (source: singstat)
credits: pexels
Having a education certificate is important as it serves as a indicator or benchmark for employers to know what knowledge and skillsets you possess that they need for you to help their company make money. Of course, there are people who might have the same skills as you without going through formal education. But with the certificate, it makes it alot easier for them to know upfront about your skills. Imagine telling people that you are good at maths when you have nothing to prove for compared to you showing them the certificate.

Moreover, the more educated you are, the higher the likelihood of you having a higher pay as well. Since you would possess more knowledge than others which give you an edge above others into providing more value to the company. As the saying goes, 'Knowledge is Power!'

However, as we grow older, learning new things take lower precedence when there are so many things to juggle such as work, family, friends, play etc. With only 24hrs in a day, there is that much things we can do. Resulting in many of us to leave learning as one of the least few priorities. Plus the cost of learning and upgrading is expensive, so why bother spending money that can be put to better use like food and bills to pay. Fortunately, i have something to share that might help you to start learning a new skills or language in the near future.

This useful information i would like to share with you is called "Skillsfuture"

To make it easier to understand about skillsfuture, check out this youtube video below that explains what it is and how to use it.

Essentially, Skillsfuture allow you to use the credits to pay for courses approved by Skillsfuture credit. You can use it to claim for payment made to online courses, MOE funded institutions, public agencies and government organisations.  

If the cost of the course you are applying for is less than $500, then you get to learn for FREE with the $500 credits given to you. So what are you waiting for? Click here to go to Skillsfuture website or go to and start learning something new today! If you need more help, visit this FAQ page for more information.

credits: giphy
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