Wednesday 5 April 2017

Convenience and Flexibility for collecting your Parcel: Park N Parcel

Do you shop online often? Have you ever felt depressed cause you wasn't around when the delivery man came. And you had to either wait for a redelivery or go to the post office which is either inconvenient or the opening hours can't fit into your schedule. Well, I personally faced this problem when i started buying things online in 2010.

To overcome this problem, i was fortunate enough to be working nearby my aunt's place who had a maid at home throughout the day to collect the parcel. Whenever i bought stuff online, i would put my aunt's address and go down to collect it from their place in the evening after work. However, not everyone is able to have the "luck" of having someone nearby them to collect the parcel from the delivery man. Which is why this start-up "Park n Parcel" is coming in to solve this gap for online shoppers and also provide income opportunities for "Parkers".

Screenshot of Park N Parcel Website

Business Model of Park n Parcel
Park n Parcel is providing the last mile mailing service solution whereby online shoppers have the option of choosing the pick up location for their parcel if they are unable to collect it from the delivery man personally. Users will need to input the address of the "Parker" whom they are collecting their parcel from into the delivery address of the online shopping sites. They will also need to put the unique PNP ID into the "Name" field on the online shopping sites which help to identify the user when they collect their parcel from the "Parker". For using the service, users will need to pay $2.50 per parcel which the "Parker" who helps to collect the parcel on your behalf  will keep $1.00 and Park N Parcel will keep the remaining $1.50 Currently it is stated that they have more than 100 "Parkers" which means more than 100 location for you to collect your parcel from if you want to use their services. "Parkers" can be anyone with a address which can include retail shops, mini-marts and cafes, basically any place with someone to collect the parcel can be a "Parker".

They were recently featured on the Straits Times( which wrote about the various logistics companies that are transforming the last mile delivery for online shopping.

Source: Straits Times

Below is the flowchart of how Park N Parcel works which is actually quite simple to understand and use for your online shopping.

FlowChart of Park N Parcel

Do check out their website here ( to find out more about them and their services. If you are looking to earn some extra money or know someone who is ideal for being a "Parker", do share this post with them. Personally, i think for people who are househusband/house wife, retirees, work at home or have helper, it is a good side income to have. Considering that people are shopping online alot and if you happen to be in a location that is in high demand such as Seng Kang or Punggol, you can potentially earn up to thousands if you get an average of 33 parcels a day which is not impossible if you consider the number of items being delivered a day in Singapore.

Do you face such problem when shopping online and will you pay $2.50 to use Park N parcel? Go ahead to comment about it and don't forget to subscribe via email or like our Facebook Page for the latest updates!


  1. Nice blog. I really enjoyed reading your blog and it help to increase my knowledge on the last mile delivery. Thanks for sharing valuable content. Thanks

  2. I don't recommend you use Parknparcel. You would expect delivery within SGP to take 1 day or at max. 2 days. They took 5 days to delivery my parcel in SGP. My client was hopping mad. I have since moved to ninjavan - much better.
