Wednesday 31 January 2018

Paperless Parking Coupons (

Calling all drivers in Singapore, you might want to take note of the changes as to how you pay for parking now.

In order to adopt a more efficient and effective way for drivers to pay for parking, the government has been implementing changes at car parks to have gantry system rather than the traditional method of using parking coupons. these means fewer "summon aunties" and also less work for drivers to pay for parking. however, there are some places which are not able to implement the gantry system due to the limitations of the road environment.

For instance, there are those parking lots commonly found along shophouses or roadsides which still have to go by the traditional way of using parking coupons. In a bid to be a smart nation, Government Technology Agency of Singapore Auto & Vehicles has created an app called to push this concept forward.

How it works is instead of buying parking coupons and placing it on your vehicle dashboard, the app would replace all this work. You simply just have to turn on the app, input your vehicle details, location, and duration. The app will show what is the amount and you can pay for it with your credit card (*credit card rewards). Just like that. No more having to buy parking coupons, ensure that you tear the parking coupons correctly, find a dustbin to throw away used parking coupons, run around the carpark finding people to spare you parking coupons or rush back to your car to tear another parking coupons just because you underestimated the time needed.

Honestly, I have used the app twice to pay for parking and the experience is pretty seamless. Moreover, if you needed to extend the parking time, with just the push of the button, your parking time is extended. One major convenience of the app is if you see the "summon aunties" and you have forgotten to put parking coupons, simply fire up the Parking app and pay for parking with just a few taps. And you would have saved yourself big bucks for parking fines.

Do go ahead to use the app and let me know what you think about it. I personally feel that it is slick and with the simple interface, anyone should get it quite fast. Are you using currently? Go ahead to comment on it and don't forget to subscribe via email or like our Facebook page for the latest updates!

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